Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Our children are being indoctrinated. Our core literature and history are gone, replaced with garbage. The environment is treated with the utmost fragility, human life is expendable. Prayer is an outrage, pornography is protected speech.
Our sons read Captain Underpants instead of Superman, Diary of a Wimpy Kid instead of Red Badge of Courage. All that is courageous and strong and male is scorned.
Girls never read a single book about the wonder of motherhood. They never see an example of real femininity. It's not acceptable to be soft, to be sweet. They leave the prince standing there scratching his head and run off to see the world.
I wish they would tell these stories from the perspective of 10 years later. The girl is alone and lonely never having the opportunity to have a child. The "wimpy kid" is still playing video games in his parent's basement at 43.
Do our children ever see a book with an intact family; one with a mother and a father and children?
Is this all the fault of Common Core? Yes, if you consider CCSS part of a progressive movement working in our schools for sometime. No, if you believe that CCSS are only what were adopted a few years ago. But, who cares? Honestly, that isn't the argument I want to have. Whatever we label this culture and this education, it simply isn't good enough for sons and daughters of God given to our care
What are we doing to our children? When are we going to act like the adults in the room? When will we say, "NO!"
This culture, this education is NOT ok for children. It's not

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